Notice of 2022/23 AGM

Oct 20, 2023



NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of TENTERFIELD BOWLING CLUB AND MOTOR INN will be held on Sunday, 5th November 2023 commencing at the hour of 10.00am at the premises of the Club.




The business of the Annual General Meeting will be as follows:


  1. Apologies.
  2. To confirm the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting.
  3. To receive and consider the directors’ report, financial report, and auditor’s report. These reports are available on the Club’s website and are also available from the Club on request.

  1. To consider the Ordinary Resolutions set out below.
  2. To declare the results of the election of directors.
  3. General business.

Life members, financial Bowling members and financial Non-Bowling members of the Club are entitled to attend at the Annual General Meeting. If members have any questions in relation to the financial report, then, to ensure the questions are answered at the Annual General Meeting, members are requested to provide written notice of any questions to the General Manager no later than 5.00pm on Friday 3rd October 2023.





Nominations for Election to the Club’s Board open on Friday, 13 October 2023.

Nominations close at 7:00pm on Sunday, 22nd October 2023.


If required, the election of directors will be conducted at the Club on the following days and at the following times:

•              Wednesday 1st November 2023 – 12:00 noon to 8:00pm

•              Thursday 2nd November 2023 – 12:00 noon to 8:00pm

•              Friday 3rd November 2023 – 12:00 noon to 8:00pm


Life members, financial Bowling members and financial Non-Bowling members of the Club are entitled to attend and vote in the election of the directors. However, members will need to produce a current membership card before they will be issued with a ballot paper.






  • That the members hereby approve expenditure by the Club until the next Annual General Meeting of the Club for the following:


(i)            The reasonable costs of directors attending seminars, lectures and other educational activities as determined by the Board from time to time.

(ii)           The reasonable costs (including travel and accommodation expenses) of directors attending meetings, conferences and trade shows conducted by ClubsNSW and such other conferences and trade shows as determined by the Board from time to time.

(iii)           The reasonable cost of directors attending any other registered club for the purpose of viewing and assessing its facilities as determined by the Board as being necessary for the benefit of the Club.

(iv)          The reasonable cost of directors attending any club, community, or charity function as the representatives of the Club and authorised by the Board to do so.

(v)           The reimbursement of reasonable out of pocket expenses incurred by directors travelling to and from Board meetings or other duly constituted meetings of any committee of the Board.

(vi)          The reasonable cost of meals and beverages for each director after a Board or committee meeting on the day of that meeting when such meeting coincides with a normal mealtime.

(vii)         The reasonable expenses incurred by directors either within the Club or elsewhere in relation to such other duties including entertainment of special guests of the Club and other promotional activities approved by the Board on production of documentary evidence of such expenditure.

(viii)         The reasonable cost of Club apparel being provided to directors as required.

(ix)          The reasonable cost of providing directors with electronic access to Board information and reports for the purposes of            their duties as directors of the Club.


  • The members acknowledge that the benefits in paragraph (a) are not available for members generally but are only for those who are directors of the Club.



Notes to Members on First Ordinary Resolution


  1. The First Ordinary Resolution is to have the members in general meeting approve expenditure by the Club for directors to attend seminars, lectures, trade displays and other similar events to be kept abreast of current trends and developments which may have a significant bearing on the Club and for other out of pocket expenses.


  1. Included in the First Ordinary Resolution is the reasonable cost of:


(a)           directors attending functions as representatives of the Club.

(b)           providing directors with electronic access to Board information and reports for the purposes of their duties as directors.


Procedural Matters


  1. To be passed, the First Ordinary Resolution must receive votes in its favour from a majority (50%+1) of those members who being eligible to do so vote in person on the First Ordinary Resolution at the meeting.
  2. The Registered Clubs Act provides that:

(a)           members who are employees of the Club are not entitled to vote; and

(b)           proxy voting is prohibited.






That the members hereby approve:

(a)           The payment of the following honorariums for services until the following Annual General Meeting:

(i)            President – $1,000.00

(ii)            Ladies’ Secretary – $500.00


(b)           Such honorariums to be paid by weekly or such other instalments as may be agreed from time to time.


(c)           If the relevant director only holds office for part of the term, the honorarium shall be paid on a pro-rata basis.


Notes to Members on Second Ordinary Resolution


  1. The Second Ordinary Resolution is to have the members approve honorariums for the President of the Club and the Ladies’ Secretary for duties to be performed until the next Annual General Meeting.
  2. The honorarium will be paid on a pro-rata basis which means that if the President or the Ladies’ Secretary only hold office for part of the year, they will only receive part of the honorarium.


Procedural Matters


  1. To be passed, the Second Ordinary Resolution must receive votes in its favour from a majority (50%+1) of those members who being eligible to do so vote in person on the Second Ordinary Resolution at the meeting.
  2. The Registered Clubs Act provides that:

(a)           Members who are employees of the Club are not entitled to vote; and

(b)           Proxy voting is prohibited.

Dated: 9/9/2023 By direction of the Board             Harrison BrownGeneral Manager

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